original course meaning in English
- A gradual deviation from an original course , model , method , or intention
逐渐越轨从初始的路线、模式、方式或目的的逐渐偏离 - In such cases , you will need to apply to the home office in london for an extension of stay once the results of the original course is known
在这种情况下,一旦知道原课程的结果,您需要向伦敦的内政部提出签证延期申请。 - He never dreamed of doubting of freemasonry itself , but began to suspect that russian freemasonry had got on to a false track , and was deviating from its original course
他根本不想怀疑共济会本身,但是他怀疑,俄国共济会在沿着一条错误的道路走下去,它已经背离自己的本源。 - Family ' s control mode is of efficiency in certain stage , especially during the original course of enterprises . but with the further development , the drawback reveals out gradually
家族治理模式在某些方面具有一定的特殊效率,特别是在企业初创阶段,这在一定程度上保证了家族企业的竞争力。 - We can n ' t get result on how to change course and speed to make collision avoidance , this can help little on collision avoidance decision . the article aims at the default on radar simulator and implements the standard result on radar simulator by making use of mcu . the main production is below : first , we calculate how to chang course and speed on the destine point by mcu . we get the new course and new speed on the destine point , we get the point to resume original course and speed , we get the distance and azimuth to resume original course and speed on given course and speed , the six essential : dcpa , tcpa , distance , azimuth , real speed and real course
本论文针对当前雷达模拟器标绘训练中的不足,实现了利用单片机进行雷达模拟器标绘标准值的计算,主要成果有以下方面:首先,利用单片机计算得到了在预定点改变航向和改变航速的计算,求得预定点改向的新航向c _ n和预定点变速的新速度v _ n ,恢复原航向和原航速的时机点的计算;在给定避碰的新航向、航速的条件下,计算出恢复原航向航速的时机点h的距离r _ h和方位_ h ;目标船的六要素,即dcpa 、 tcpa 、距离r ( t ) 、方位( t ) 、真航速v _ t和真航向c _ t 。